Branding itself is about creating a unique image of a product/company in the eyes of the consumer. How does he work? For example, if we hear the phrase Just do it somewhere, then we will surely remember Nike.

Brand building principles are the same for both companies and personal branding. Often consumers choose to trust a specific person or group of people, and only then – a brand. This is confirmed by the experience of numerous companies that collaborate with those who have a strong personal brand to reach a new audience. This technique is perfectly used by Coca-Cola’s main competitor, PepsiCo. As part of product advertising, the company concludes contracts with famous footballers such as Lionel Messi. According to Forbes, Messi receives 7 million euros for each year of working with Pepsi.

Not everyone can develop a personal brand. And not every employee in the company will be ready to do this. Therefore, HR needs to highlight those who will cope with this task and who will be the most interesting to watch.

The target audience of company employees is usually the professional community, which includes potential candidates for positions in the company, partners, or clients, as well as CEOs of companies from your area. How to properly develop an employee’s brand and at the same time make him the company’s ambassador?


What is your employee, as a person/personality/specialist? What sets it apart from the rest?


How authoritative he is, as an expert in your field. What knowledge and usefulness can he share with the audience?


How do its values ​​match those of the company? What are its guidelines?


The main mission of creating a personal brand is to change the world for the better, not to show oneself. Find value in the work, statements, or development of a particular employee.

Become an event sponsor

The simplest way to make a brand recognizable in the community is to be part of the community. Become a sponsor of a local event to have your business name featured on flyers, tickets, or a billboard. You can become a permanent sponsor, for example, of a youth sports team. Or organize an interesting event yourself.

Participate in charity events

Philanthropy is the future of marketing, and brands are actively using it. Already, ¼ of Moscow companies are engaged in charity work. Send part of your earnings to charities – a good deed that will help you in promotion. Only help sincerely.

Find partners among entrepreneurs

Forge a mutually beneficial partnership. If you sell flowers, make friends with decorators, wedding and holiday agencies: they will tell customers about you, and in return, you will advertise them on the website or add information to your mailing list.

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